Golden chlorella

Immunity Booster


Golden chlorella powder from Chlorella protothecoides safely grown in Korea


Immune + Mood Support

Holistic Approach:

The immune system and stress are intricately intertwined. Chronic stress can suppress innate immune responses, leading to a weakened immune system. Golden chlorella contains b-complex and zinc, both of which can help naturally ease the effects of stress and support the immune system.

Synergistic Components:

Research Assessment:

6,321 Studies and Counting
  • Effect of Chlorella Ingestion on Oxidative Stress and Fatigue Symptoms in Healthy Men

    The Kurume Medical
  • Potential of Chlorella as a Dietary Supplement to Promote Human Health

    Nutrients Journal
  • Effect of chlorella supplementation on systematic symptoms and serum levels of prostaglandins

    inflammatory and oxidative markers in women with primary dysmenorrhea